Best Websites For Free Online Courses To Improve Your Skills

Do you need to acquire a new skill? But you don’t have enough time to do so? It might even be that you have the passion to get back to school, and some requirements must be met before you start. Or do you intend to change your career? There are a lot of best websites for free online courses to improve your skill, The answers to most of the concerns raised above are online classes.

The time it takes to complete online classes for a semester is always very short compared with physical classes. In online classes, you can regulate your activities to cover your topics, skills and any hobby you may want to engage in. It is always a very difficult task to find the list of the best websites for online classes. The list of best websites for free online courses has been enumerated below.

List Of Best Websites For Free Online Courses

Academic Earth

This website is mainly used by those who are solely into academic classes. The free courses on the website include humanities, computer science, arts, economics etc. You can narrow down your search to only what you are interested in learning and the place you want to learn it from by using class central. Through your search, you will find results from edX, Coursera, and other entries on the list that will make the process of taking the online courses even much easier.


This website is mainly for people who do not know how to use InDesign or Photoshop. You will be thought the programs with its free creative Cloud tutorials.


It has quite a large number of free science, languages, comprehensive classes on technology, personal and soft skills, financial literacy, entrepreneurship etc. It focuses on groups of professional learners, managers, and even teachers. and freelancers etc. You can also use Alison to search for the career you want to study or to help you find other courses that are very useful to you.


This is one of the best websites for free online courses that teach you how to code very often free. It covers so many types of programming which include Ruby, Javascript, CSS, HTML and Python etc.


Are you trying to take college-calibre courses with your college tuition fees that are low? Coursera is the best website you can use to achieve that. It offers amazing classes in all fields ranging from job skills to psychology, professional development, literature and history. All these classes are created and taught by professors from top institutions across the globe like John Hopkins, Princeton, Stanford etc. You can audit thousands of classes for free using Coursera. Coursera allows you to earn a certificate starting from $29 or earn one of their professional certificates or specializations for less than $50 a month.


This is one of the best websites that gives anyone anywhere the opportunity to take up university classes in any department and get certified. edx and Coursera have some attributes they share like auditing classes free. For you to earn a certificate and complete your assignment, you need to pay some money between $50 to $300. The institutions that are big partners with edX include Georgetown, Harvard, the University of Chicago, Berkeley and Dartmouth.


This is one of the best websites for free online courses that give completely free classes at all levels. There are different categories of courses taught by universities and other special organizations that are free. These courses or subjects are creative arts and media; IT and Computer Science; business and management; Law; Science, Maths and Engineering; politics and society; health care and medicine study skills; teaching; Literature; psychology and mental health etc.

Also Read: Tips for successful online learning in all courses for students

General Assembly

General Assembly provides both online and physical classes on full-time and part-time options. It offers free workshops that will help you get the introduction to topics like software engineering, digital marketing, data science and analytics. It also gives free design classes and free coding classes which will help you to get a taste of new skills before you can consider whether to go for the full-time course or not.

Google Skillshop

Information technology (IT) offers certifications from Google’s so many software, websites and hardware tool which includes Android, Waze and Youtube. These are used to deliver a range of careers like marketing, teaching, design, cybersecurity, and data analysis. Google shop offers free courses on how to grow your business and digital skills.

LinkedIn Learning

Once you subscribe to LinkedIn Learning, you gain access to many courses in design, education, business, tech as well as personal and career development. LinkedIn offers you the opportunity to display your completed certificates or latest career achievements on your LinkedIn personal profile. This display will help you to gain insight into what others in your network connections are learning and also offers a free one-month trial.


When you subscribe to Pluralsight free trial, it will enable you to explore some classes in areas like 3D development, software, cloud computing, VFX, game design, cyber security, design, CAD software, web design etc.


Skillshare is one of the best websites for free online courses that provides “bite-sized” classes to help you learn something different and new even when you have only 15 minutes to learn in a day. It has over 27,000 free and premium classes and topics such as writing, visual arts, film, entrepreneurship and productivity which you can choose from, It offers a free seven days trial which can be used to complete some short classes before the main paid class that costs about $14 per month.


Udacity is one of the best websites for free online courses that focus on software development, data science, and web development, offering free courses in programming and other tech areas like marketing, cybersecurity and product management. Individuals who want to pursue a full-time career in tech and master a skill can use the nanodegree program offered by Udacity to achieve that at a certain cost which may be high.


There are so many programs and activities that can be offered by Udemy for learners on a budget, from completely free courses taught by professors, experts, professionals, and entrepreneurs, to frequent discounts and specials on its paid classes. In addition to classes in business, tech, design, and marketing, you can also explore options in health, arts, lifestyles, hobbies and productivity.

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