Free Yandex.Mail Account is a free email service developed by Yadex in Russia. Yandex .mail was launched in the year 2000. Since its inception, it has become one of the biggest email services in Runet. Yandex.Mail Account is one of the rich Email services. Using free Yandex. Mail account will help you have web access with an unlimited storage facility.
Yandex Mail
Yandex Mail Account- How To Create Yandex Mail Account Free For Desktop
Yandex Mail is one of the free email services developed in Russia by Yandex. and launched in the year 2000 precisely June 26. Yandex launched a free service, Yandex. Mail for the domain in 2009 where users can easily create as many email accounts as they want in one domain. Using a Yandex mail account provides users with these services automatic spam filtering, email translator, use antivirus software to check for viruses etc. Yandex Mail Account- How to create Yandex Mail account free for the desktop will be discussed on this page.