Yahoo Mail account was one of the first email accounts people always use. Yahoo mail account still remains one of the most-used email addresses till date. Yahoo mail sign up and how to create a new account will be the main subject of this article. If you don’t have an account yet, or want to upgrade to an account with more storage and features, there are steps to create your own account which will be explained below.
What is a Yahoo ID?
You need a Yahoo ID to be able to create an account on Yahoo. It is your Yahoo ID that you will use to log in to your Yahoo account each time you want to access your Yahoo account. Yahoo ID can be used as an alternative email address and login for all your Yahoo services. The Yahoo services includes email, instant messaging, and even photo storage. In addition to signing up for your new account online, you can also use it for texting from any mobile phone.
While trying to create your Yahoo mail sign up, one of the first step is to create a Yahoo ID. You will also be required to set up your security questions and answers for password recovery in case you forget your password. These are important because if you forget your password, these are what will help Yahoo verify that it’s really you requesting access again. If you don’t already have a backup email address or phone number linked to your Yahoo account, it is highly recommended that you add one now so that Yahoo can easily recover access if ever there is a need for it in the future.
How To Create A Yahoo Mail Sign Up Account
Below is a step by step approach on how to create a Yahoo mail account.
- Go to your browser (e.g Chrome, Firefox etc.) open
- Click on the Yahoo mail Sign up button.
- Fill in the necessary information needed to create Yahoo account. The necessary information includes- Name, age, gender, date of birth.
- Then click on the Continue button to create a Yahoo mail account.
- Create Yahoo Mail Account with your phone number.
- Enter your mobile number to confirm your account.
- Now you will receive a One Time Password (OTP) on your previously entered phone number.
- Enter the OTP and verify your account.
- Finally, your Yahoo account has been successfully created
Troubleshooting Steps in the Case of Problems
When setting up your Yahoo mail account, you might have some troubles. Yahoo Help has a troubleshooting page on Yahoo login issues. The troubleshooting page will help you work through any difficulties you have with your setup. Here are some general suggestions for troubleshooting problems with your Yahoo mail sign-up.
Steps For Troubleshooting
The following are troubleshooting processes:
- Identify the problem.
- Establish a theory of probable cause.
- Test the theory to determine the cause.
- Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem and implement the solution.
- Verify full system functionality and, if applicable, implement preventive measures.
How To Login Yahoo Email Account
The following procedure can be used to login in your Yahoo mail account. It is very simple and can be used whether you use Android phone or any other device.
- Start the Yahoo Mail app. If you’re not yet signed into any mail accounts, you’ll see the Sign In page.
- Type your Yahoo Mail username, email, or mobile phone number associated with the account and tap.
- Enter your password and tap.
- After a moment, you’ll be signed in and taken to the inbox.
Now that you have created your Yahoo mail account, it’s time to learn how to log in. This is particularly important if you have forgotten your password and need help getting back into your account. Fortunately, Yahoo makes it easy for users of its mail service to login again with ease. The procedure below will walk you through taking care of that so that you can get back into your account more quickly.